Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

A quick note to say Merry Christmas! I am still in the groove as it is - eating whole foods and doing body weight exercises twice a week.

I can now do a set of 10 pull-ups without rest and 10 chin-ups without rest! I have added dips and hanging leg raises to my workouts for more variety as well. I have also added clapping push-ups fro some plyometric stimulation.

Eating wise I went from alternate day fasting regimen to daily Intermittent Fasting using an eating window from 4-10pm. I enjoy this regimen more as it allows for more eating - and works out well with all of the holiday parties. It also saves from having to bring any food to work :)

Weight wise I have seemed to stabilize - bouncing between 235-245 (240 this morning). Based on my clothes still getting looser and the number of repetitions increasing in workouts I think I am actually adding muscle and still reducing body fat. I don't have calipers - but I also have noticed vascularity in places I have never had it.

I am going to continue my routing through the new year and see where to go . I am not completely sure where my weight should end up. Originally I had targeted 195 - but maybe it will be something higher? This is uncharted territory for me - transitioning from almost two years of fairly rapid weight loss to nearing a balance is interesting.

For all of the holiday celebrations and stress I am definitely happy with stability! In most years passed I probably added 10-15 pounds every holiday season!!

Happy Holidays


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